Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shannon's attitude is a concern

Randy Shannon was on the Joe Rose Show this morning on 560 WQAM. He said something I find incredibly disturbing. When Joe asked him if it would be a big disappointment if UM didn't end up in the ACC Championship, Shannon responded:

"I don't know if it would be a big disappointment. It'd be disappointing. For anybody, because we are always trying to be the best we can be at Miami and in anything we are trying to get done."

No. It would be disastrous. People are already calling for his head. The witch hunt is only going to grow, especially if the team loses more games. Virginia Tech is still out there, and don't underestimate UNC. We've had trouble against both teams in the past and Butch Davis has had our number for a few years now.  Randy Shannon needs to face reality. Fans are tired of being patient. Fans want to win. Now. The "U" has always been about winning. Win big or go home. Shannon better start delivering.


  1. Why are you listening to 560? lol

  2. Yes, why are you listening to Joe Rose?

    Also, if we go 8-3 and go to a decent bowl and win, I don't know if it would be a biiig disappointment. That means we would go 5-1 down the stretch, narrowly miss out on ACC championship and head into next year with very big expectations. So, I agree with Shannon. Disappointing, but not so big as to jump off a bridge.

  3. Sorry guys I'm uncomfortable with my head coach saying this on the radio or even feeling this way privately. No ACC Championship= EPIC fail. Have your standards fallen? This team hasn't won a championship in 9 years.

  4. 8-3 is a failure. We lost 45-17 to FSU. Recruiting will take a hit, and Jimbo Fisher will steal players. Especially if FSU wins ACC.

  5. No ACC championship is not an epic fail. You have to conform your expectations to reality (I think Herbstreit, Howard, and others inflated our expectations for this group - no freshman or fresh places playing, really). The U has NEVER appeared in an ACC championship game. Going 5-1 down the stretch and narrowly missing the ACC championship game and still playing in a large bowl (and winning to end 9-3 or 10-3, not sure how many games they play) would not lead to a recruiting problem and is an improvement over the preceding year. Consider, if we go 5-1, 6-1 or 7-1 down the stretch, dominate 4, 5 or 6 of those games and lose one close game, the program will go back into the top 15 and will experience more "back to relevance" talk. I grant you this... if we look mediocre and have that record... and lose our bowl game, that's a GIGANTIC disappointment. And next year is a win ACC Championship and Bowl Game or bust.

  6. Also, we had an unprecedented run in the 80's and early 90's. We won 4 championships there. We rebuilt the program and had a string of three years in national title contention and then pretty decent years after Ohio State before epic fails became the norm. We are no longer in the Big Easy and we have gone through several coaching changes and suffered talent drops. We cannot expect the 80's or early 2000's before we even win an ACC championship or appear in one.

  7. My thoughts are that this team could potentially be Butch Davis-esque in a year. He raised the talent level again, straightened the program out, left and Coker won us a championship the following year. Again, if we lose only one the rest of the way, ACC championship appearance or not, this could be the momentum shift the U needs heading into next year. 2008 was a good class but that class generated starters year one. We are still building depth and competition (realistically what corners can push DVD for his job? what lb can push McCarthy for his job?). I think we are finally seeing playmakers waiting in the wings (Allen Hurns, wr. Storm Johnson, Mike James, and Lamar Miller, rbs. Offensive lineman are starting to come here.) I think we are overreacting to the FSU loss because it was at home and Jimbo Fisher is also a new coach. But hey, Jimbo was losing with Bobby Bowden, hall of famer. And Jimbo got his teeth kicked in against Oklahoma (vastly same team that came to UM and lost). It happens. Give Randy until the end of the year and judge the team then. I am also running out of patience but I am lowering my expectations to match reality (Jacory cannot win us anything and I think defense is probably mediocre).

  8. Do you really think we should be lowering our expectations to match reality? I feel I have been doing that for a few years now, and the hype generated by the players and Randy himself was that this year we would have a shot at a title. Randy was saying it before the season started that he felt this team was "special." I would be more hesitant to criticize if the hype was created by ESPN and Herbstreit, but the players and Shannon were all saying how this team had matured and had a shot. I guess I fell for the false bravado, as always, and am now disappointed.

  9. False bravado and hope, two silent killers of sports fans. It is certainly fun and nice to hope your team will be great and buy into the hype and is the perfect elixir in most people's lives as an avenue to escape from reality, but it can be very disappointing. I believe cautious optimism can safeguard us with this team. This team is above average until proven great. Right now, Randy Shannon should be on the warm seat, and next year it will get hotter until he wins a big game (assuming no collapse this year).
